
Showing posts from October, 2020

Unity Tutorial 4

 Another week, another Unity tutorial. With theses tutorials I feel I am learning a-lot and it is interesting but they can also be really tedious especially when working on them alone at home.  For this week our Unity tutorials were split into two different tutorials.The first tutorial was based on animals spawning and triggering a 'Game over' if they pass the player. You must projectile food at them in order to get rid of them. I found this challenging and it took longer to do than the time we had been told it would take. I realised I forgot some simple things like a ',' in some of the coding which added more time. This is a really fun concept for a game though.  Photo Credit-  Unity 2.4 The second tutorial was a Challenge Tutorial similar to one done the previous weeks. I found this harder because of having to fix the coding in order to make the game work properly. I tried to go over previous notes I made from previous tutorials to see if it would help. It did slig...

Game Vision Statement

My Project   Introduction:   What is a puzzle? " A  puzzle  is a  game , problem, or toy that tests a person's ingenuity or knowledge. In a  puzzle , the solver is expected to put pieces together in a logical way, in order to arrive at the correct or fun solution of the  puzzle". Perfect the Puzzle is going to be a puzzle game that allows players to unscramble photos to get to the next level where the photos will get harder. You will be under the clock for those who like that competitive element.  Description: Once you start the game you will start off on the easiest level possible and the timer will give you 3 minutes to complete the puzzle. As the Levels progress you will get less time on the timer to complete the puzzle. If you fail the puzzle you will have the option to restart the puzzle again. Depending on the person playing and their reason for picking the game either for competitive reason or therapeutic they can progress to the different ...

Unity Tutorial 3

 For this week's unity tutorials we were to complete three different programs. They were called Basic Gameplay(feed the animals prototype), Food Flight and Random animal stampede. The programmes were a little time consuming. The fact of having three to do also. They took around an hour each to complete. I am proud of myself for not giving up with them. Normally I find it difficult to stay motivated when it's not usually what I enjoy doing but I feel really good about myself once I get these done and learn something new.  One thing I have to say that I do find tedious is when I don't fully understand a step and having to rewind. This happens more times than I like to admit so it add's extra time to completing the programme. Most of the time I've forgotten something in the coding which is something as simple as a coma.  My favourite programme out of the 3 I did was by far the Food flight. I honestly found it fun learning how launch the projectile across the screen. It...

Games MDA

                                                                      Photo credit: MDA It's that time of the week again readings. I find I do read a-lot in general but these can be slightly tedious. I feel that's just because they wouldn't be the first thing I would choose to read. It's not to say that i'm not finding it interesting what i'm reading. For this weeks tasks we were assigned to read about Games MDA, which stands for Mechanic, Dynamic and Aesthetic's.  Both articles that I read went into great detail about Mechanic, Dynamic and Aesthetic's. There was also a video that I found to be extremely informative. It specified that there needs to be a flow. There is a process and without taking the appropriate steps a game process can't function properly. from the first article I read A Formal Approach to G...

Game Idea Research

 Last week for game ideas I realised some of the brainstorm ideas were a little harder than what i'm equipped for yet. Such as : -Building houses like in the Sim's(personally one fo my favourite parts) -Puzzle Games -An interactive game where you kill germs  After doing more research into these areas I found some really good and easy to understand tutorials on youtube for puzzle game development on unity. Using photos and splitting them in order to rearrange them the correct way. I was hoping to find something along these lines as I feel puzzle games are really therapeutic.  When considering ideas for this game I looked up youtube videos on similar tutorials done in this certain area. Although some photos used were more for children I feel this is still a game that can be used for all ages as it uses is for more a therapeutic and a use of distracting during the times we are in now. When considering the movement for the game I want to keep it simple but not too simple that...

Game Elements

 During our readings last week it became very clear that gaming and what it is can mean different things for different people. The first article I read was  "What are the Qualities of Games?"  by Ian Scheiber. In the article it specifies different steps and things designers look into. I feel this is an important element. End of the day you want your players to be engaged and have something to work towards.  ● Players  ● Objectives (goals)  ● Rules  ● Resources and Resource Management  ● Game State  ● Information  ● Sequencing  ● Player Interaction  ● Theme (Narrative, Backstory, Setting)  ● Games as Systems This article goes into detail on the importance of Critical Analysis and what it entails. I learnt that Critical Analysis is important when developing a piece of work so it can help you improve on different elements of your game. I thought Critical Analysis was where you try to pick out everything wrong but I now know t...

Feedback Thoughts

 When we think of feedback there's always positives and negatives. One of the first blogs I read for this was Why rejection hurt so much  . In this post I learnt that it is scientifically proven "the same areas of our brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain". Weather it is within our relationships, work environments, college environments. I found this a really interesting article. I always feel even on a personal aspect I am always the hardest on myself especially when it comes to rejection. It is true when people get rejected instead of taking it in a good way and using the time to see the positives within themselves they go and tear themselves down further. I can't talk much I do this. No I feel I used to a-lot more. During the last few months even during quarantine I had a-lot of time to sit with myself. I would notice some of the girls meeting without me even with me making some effort or some other things. I won...

Project "Game Brainstorm".

  Game Idea 1 I wouldn't count myself as much of a gamer. During quarantine I did try out games I haven't in years like Rocket League and WWE. When starting off my research for game ideas i came across tips on 10 Strategies for Excellent Video Game Ideas . In this it talks about picking a genre in which you would like your game to be from. It got me thinking to when I was younger and how I loved puzzle games. I was obsessed I could easily spend hours putting pieces together and it was a way to also help with my anxiety. It kept me busy enough that I was focused on the task at hand it would distract me from my anxiety. My ideas with this are simple enough photos where you must put all the appropriate pieces together to have this stunning photo afterwards. I have in mind that there are different levels you start off on Level 1 with an easy puzzle that you've to put together and as the levels go on the puzzles get harder. Some levels could take loner time wise than others and ...

Unity Tutorial 01

                                                               Photo Credit:  unity logo I eventually completed my first set of unity tutorials. It took some time between internet going in the house and laptop takes years to finally get back to me from being fixed but we move on. I actually enjoyed these tutorials to my own surprise. At first I was quite intimidated by the idea of using Unity and sometimes I can be quite thick. I can't stress enough how much the tutorials helped honestly they walk you through the whole process. In the intro videos to Unity it is advised to watch the videos through and then do it yourself after as apposed to pausing every two minutes and having to rewind because you forgot a step. I did have to take slight breaks between tutorials just because my attention span is as good as a goldfishes but ...

Reading: Game Design

What comes to mind when you think ‘What is a game’.  One of the first articles I read was “ What is a Game Anyway?”goes in dept about what the meaning of a game is. Everyone will have a different response to what a game is. People have different experiences with gaming. Some finding them easier to grasp then others. Some could find for instance GTA an easy game having to drive around and interact with others while completing tasks and others can find it difficult and lose interest quite easily.  Another article I read was “The organic Nature of Game Ideation:Game ideas Arise from Solitude and Mature by Bouncing”. One quote from an interview in this article stood out to me “ Game design is an organic process, where one moves according to the situation using related insights and task-specific skills, drawing from their specific experiences in order to end up with quality products”.   I found this interesting because i feel it shows no one game designer is the same or would ...

Tech tip: Twitter Widget

 I finally managed to figure out how to add a twitter widget to my blog. It took me some time but I managed to get there.I decided to add my own twitter that way you can keep up to date with my new posts and you can easily find my Twitter without having to leave my blog! Twitter logo

Introduction to Mel’s Thoughts

 I always feel very awkward when it comes to talking about myself and what is it i like to do and what i want to accomplish. It’s one reason i like these blogs. I feel like it’ll get me out of my box slightly with talking about what I think and my thoughts. I was really excited with coming back especially after that mad summer. I know everyone keeps saying it but it honestly still feels like March was just last month. My summer was mostly filled with movies and running. I took up running during quarantine. The first few times I thought It wasn’t for me but once you keep at it, it starts to grow on you. Once quarantine lifted i came back up to Dublin from being home for the few months which was weird in itself. I don’t think ie spent that much time at home in Longford in about 4 years. Once back in Dublin it was just work in my full time job which ended up being crazy. It was constantly busy which none of us really expected. Being back in college now I want to use this year to the b...

Week1: Favourite Game

Image The game I’ve picked is called Fall Guys.It’s an adorable animated game that you can play on PlayStation, on computers and also on Twitch where it is free to play.It’s an interactive game where you are an adorable blob that you can customise and you have different obstacles where you need to get through to win the race. You have to try and get and get through the ultimate knockout with hundreds of other competitors in a mad dash to the finish to win. It’s definitely a game i would recommend and its very light-hearted. There is certain age group it is best suited for but preferably 13+.