Unity Tutorial 01
Photo Credit: unity logo
I eventually completed my first set of unity tutorials. It took some time between internet going in the house and laptop takes years to finally get back to me from being fixed but we move on. I actually enjoyed these tutorials to my own surprise. At first I was quite intimidated by the idea of using Unity and sometimes I can be quite thick. I can't stress enough how much the tutorials helped honestly they walk you through the whole process. In the intro videos to Unity it is advised to watch the videos through and then do it yourself after as apposed to pausing every two minutes and having to rewind because you forgot a step. I did have to take slight breaks between tutorials just because my attention span is as good as a goldfishes but once you get in the swing of it it's fun!
To start off the tutorials I learnt the basics and then how to add my car and throw some obstacles in the way(Not literally throw them). As i went through the rest of the tutorials I learnt how to move the car and also the camera which i enjoyed. I did find the coding aspect a little difficult but it's all about learning. I think the best think is to keep notes and write things down as you go along so you can remember.
Here's to an exciting week ahead learning more from the tutorials!
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