Introduction to Mel’s Thoughts

 I always feel very awkward when it comes to talking about myself and what is it i like to do and what i want to accomplish. It’s one reason i like these blogs. I feel like it’ll get me out of my box slightly with talking about what I think and my thoughts. I was really excited with coming back especially after that mad summer. I know everyone keeps saying it but it honestly still feels like March was just last month.

My summer was mostly filled with movies and running. I took up running during quarantine. The first few times I thought It wasn’t for me but once you keep at it, it starts to grow on you. Once quarantine lifted i came back up to Dublin from being home for the few months which was weird in itself. I don’t think ie spent that much time at home in Longford in about 4 years. Once back in Dublin it was just work in my full time job which ended up being crazy. It was constantly busy which none of us really expected.

Being back in college now I want to use this year to the best of my ability and learn and grow. Especially with working from hoe as much as I am i feel I have zero excuse. I’m excited to see what this module brings this semester especially on the gaming side. During quarantine seeing as all I had was time I even started to play Rocket League on pc. It’s basically a car game where you compete against other players and it can be 1v1 or even 2v2. It does take a lot of practise and not as easy first time around as you might think.

Rocket League


  1. Great introduction blog Melissa, Well done for starting running...I wish I could say the same :)
    Good luck this year and hope to see you in college soon :)

  2. Hi Mel, Its Ellen :) Your Introduction post was very fun and easy to read. Well done on starting running, Cardio is definitely not for me as many times as I try I just can't get bored so quick. Maybe if we ever actually join the college gym I could get into it haha. Goodluck with the semester ahead and I hope adapting to college at home isn't too difficult.

  3. Hey Mel, just read your post on unity and glad to see someone else laptop takes ages! I also had to take a few breaks while watching them, I took up walking during lockdown, running is just not for me well done on that. I agree I also feel that march was only yesterday and now its October. The layout of your blog is very well organized and easy to read
    Hopefully we will be able to go back on campus soon, see you then :)

  4. Hi, Melissa
    Your blog is amazing, well done on getting into gaming and running
    Summer was one to forget for all of us and It does't look like we are getting over it anytime soon as we are expected to go in a second lock-down
    no doubt you will use the best of your ability to learn, grow and improve this year, good luck

  5. Hi Melissa! Your blog looks so pretty as a whole! I also watched a lot of movies over the summer, they're so great for passing time. It's good to hear that you picked up running over the break, i mostly trapped myself inside. I hope you develop your skills and learn lots of new things this year! I wish you the best!

  6. Hey Mel
    I enjoyed reading your blog. Fair play for picking up running. I wish I used my summer to be as active as you. But I definitely did join you in the movie part of your Summer 😂. You're lucky you got a head start on getting to know games by playing rocket league. This will definitely be helpful later when it comes to actually developing your own game.
    - Cian

  7. Whatsup Melissa, hope all is well
    I liked reading through your introduction because its interesting to see how others spent their quarantine. Its cool that you picked up running and playing rocket league. Running is great when one gets used to it. My workplace was very busy as well during the summer, I was doing monday to friday, safe to say I earned good few quid. Goodluck with the rest of the year and hope you do well.

  8. Hey Melissa,
    I used to love running myself. Now this goes more than 2 years ago when I used to do boxing. I loved cardio and running is honestly so enjoyable. Spending your time during all this in Longford was fun I'd say. That game is one of those games that you either love or hate and for me is more on the hate side as I get so frustrated playing it.

  9. Hi Melissa, first of all I really like the blogs name "Mel's Space". Is it a pun of "My Space"? So far I think the blog does really help with tracking your progress and that could be very useful for the games we create. I'm also thinking about taking up running as I feel it will be more beneficial with my anxiety. If you have any tips, let me know because it would be great to feel like I know something before hand when I'm starting out.

  10. Hi Melissa! I really like how you've wrote your introduction blog! It is very simple and easy to read. I'm also shy when it comes to talking about myself and even just in socializing in general hahah. Writing blogs also have that personal feeling to it as we have our own blogs and we can write anything so it is comfortable to write. I also tried to jog around my area for like once or twice but I didn't continue doing it as I was to shy hahaha. I hope you enjoyed our first semester even though most of the work can be very stressful. Good luck finishing up all your work this week!


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