Feedback Thoughts

 When we think of feedback there's always positives and negatives. One of the first blogs I read for this was Why rejection hurt so much . In this post I learnt that it is scientifically proven "the same areas of our brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain". Weather it is within our relationships, work environments, college environments. I found this a really interesting article. I always feel even on a personal aspect I am always the hardest on myself especially when it comes to rejection. It is true when people get rejected instead of taking it in a good way and using the time to see the positives within themselves they go and tear themselves down further. I can't talk much I do this. No I feel I used to a-lot more. During the last few months even during quarantine I had a-lot of time to sit with myself. I would notice some of the girls meeting without me even with me making some effort or some other things. I won't bore ye but that in itself was rejection. Maybe at the time it wasn't intended that way which happens people tend to make some things bigger in their head just because of how their own self-esteem is. a good tip I learnt in that article was to make a list of 5 qualities that you have that are important and meaningful. People heads can be a dangerous place at time and having things written down in-front of you makes a difference. It's okay to be tough on yourself sometimes but it's important to remember to be kind to yourself also. 

                                                                     Photo credit: be kind

Another article I read was 7 ways to crush self doubt in the creative industry. I found this to be another really interesting read. Even myself as being in 2nd year I sometimes question if i'm good enough? Is this the right course for me? What if i'm not good enough? everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is unbelieveable at everything. Well maybe Tom Felton. Slight Draco obsession lately don't ask. If you have Tiktoc you know the suss. 

In the article it gives you 7 ways to crush self doubt. The first being "Don't Compare Yourself to Others".  When people find themselves doubting themselves what do we all do. Compare ourselves to the people next to us. 'Oh they just seem to find this so easy", "how are they so good at this when it's just the second class". In the article it states when you get into this mindset you loss sight that its a community and not a competition. It's so true! We're all here to learn and help each-other. Nobody got good at something without some effort on their part and also some help from others. Honestly found these articles so helpful and just a nice reminder that everyone is in the same boat at the end of the day. 

                                                                 Photo Credit: Self-doubt

Thanks for reading!


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