Games Testing
For our reading task it is all about games testing and the importance of having a go at playing the game yourself and taking your time with the process.
I definitely agree that it is important to test your game throughout the process. It makes it easier aswel to track your process and it can get extremely boring just looking at a screen of code!
The first article was 7 different types of game testing. This article introduced us to different ways game testing can be applied to a game. when testing a game it's important to look out for bugs in the game, graphic bugs and possibly any visual or audio issues. This is called Functionality testing .This is normally done when the game is almost finished with the coding.
I watched one of the videos given to us How to playtest. This video was a nice change from reading an article. The video went through the importance of play testing a game. It is an important step through the development process. It discussed how it is important on certain age groups testing a game. It suggested younger people as they would be more honest and say on if they have found any issues with the game.
Thanks For Reading!
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