

For this week I hadn't been able to attend our lecture on Thursday but had been made aware of what was being done. I know previous weeks the reading tasks had been used to write up on your sections of different themes in paragraphs. I feel the idea of an e-book with all the research the students have done is a great idea.                                                                       (Image:  gaming ) I don't know at this stage if it's possible me adding mine part I had worked on it but feel I perhaps left it a little late. I do feel it was good experience working on a piece and doing your own research. I don't feel like it's something I would be in a rush to do again as i felt the readings had been quite time consuming as the research is such a major component. I do find it great now knowing how t...

Tech Task- Sound Cloud

 For this task I found it easy enough once I found videos to help me find how I embed a soundcloud into blogger. It is quite simple you go into the piece of music you want to share and click share. You should see the Embed word and from there you will see the code. Copy and paste that into the HTML page on blogger and that's it.  Thanks for Reading! Mimi Webb · Good Without

Technical Difficulty

 For some reason my posts have been saying their posted and then when I go to recheck it there not posted. Honestly don't know why it's happening even after I log out and back in on blogger. It's rather frustrating!

Tech Task

 I was trying to think what would be an easy enough task for me to do. I'm still not the biggest fan of twitter but my housemates live on it. So I thought why not make a Twitter List with them and we can use it to share memes and other funny things on twitter.                                                             (Screenshot from my twitter) Thanks for Reading!


 This week we were meant to read two of our peers work and give back some critical feedback. While also adding our own work into the doc shaun has open for all of us. I have been terrible with letting people read my work. I have asked one or two people in my course to read mine and give me feedback. I had forgotten to ask Shaun to add me to the list. I know feedback is important because what you read and someone else reads you have two different views and opinions. I will be adding my work to the doc tonight once I get in contact with shaun. This semester is just flying by.                                                                                  ( Image ) I was told I have had a few spelling mistakes throughout my doc. Honestly i'm not surprised. I have tried to implement ...

Tech Task

 Google Timer! Did you even know that was a thing because I didn't. Honestly I didn't realize google could do as much as it can. Feel a little stupid saying that. You can little do it in a matter of seconds and its not complicated what so ever. You just google 'Timer:2 minutes'. Whatever time it is you want.  (screenshot) Thanks for Reading!

Unity Tutorial

 One of the last Unity Tutorials. As I said before I'll be honest I could of put more effort into unity this semester. I do feel like it was easier than last semesters unity tutorials once I spent some time at them. It was touch and go at some stages with things crashing for me.  One of the parts for this week was called Audio. It essentially allowed you to add audio to different game objects. It's honestly a really nice touch to a game.                                                                (Screenshot of script) I do think getting to read the instructions on how to do the game instead of watching videos has definitely been easier. I guess that's all from me now with the Unity Tutorials.  Thanks for Reading!