Happy to say I am pretty much finished my game after another tweak or two. I got there eventually after come hiccups with my script but I feel like I got there in the end. I have to say this semester has been has been interesting and I'm glad I pushed myself to not give up with this game even though it was definitely challenging at times. My current tasks over the last week that I wanted to achieve with my game was the menu to pick a puzzle of your choosing. I debated for a while if I should give the option of the playing picking the puzzle they want or you just complete one click next puzzle and you've no choice in the matter. I feel giving the player a choice gives more of the relaxed feel that I personally wanted from the game. Im sure it's obvious from reading my posts that It's a game I think would be nice for a changed from against the clock kind of games. Overall I really enjoyed this experience! I didn't get as much of the game done that I would of liked....